My Impossible Possibilities

Posted on 1:11 PM by JJ

Apparently I offended a few people by telling my story and mentioning names in my last post. Look, it's facts, its true, its my blog. I'm not talking shit, I'm expressing my feelings at the time when things went down and I have every right to do so. This blog is to express myself, to show were I'm coming from and what I'm going to do in the future. You cant know my reasoning behind this blog if you haven't heard the past. If expressing my feelings through a blog is how I'm moving forward, then be happy for me I'm moving forward and as Rizzo would say: 

"I could hurt someone like me,

Out of spite or jealousy.

I dont steal and I dont lie,

But I can feel and I can cry.

A fact I'll bet you never knew.

But to cry in front of you,

That's the worse thing I could do."

So now that that is said. Onto my next entry:

Ok so, basically its time to jot down what things I would like to change about me or improve and things i want to learn and goals I will be making. So I've decided to come up with a list of my "impossible possibilities" 

"Continue with school: Achieve my PTA degree"
"Get my body back: Have a 31" Waist by October, Pecs by December & Abs by May"
"Maintain a job: at a chiropractic or physical therapy office"
"Bike: at least 20 miles in one day"
"Be able to save and manage my money better"
"Learn how to grow vegetables"
"Visit my friends and family more"
"Try being more outdoors"
"Spend less time inside: only an 2 hours a day on the computer"
"Study my books every day for at least 20mins at a time"
"Learn how to play a new instrument"
"Educated more with ASL"
"Play more with my nephew and niece"
"Learn how to meditate"
"Stop complaining"
"Keep a diet"
"Be more green friendly"
"Join a sport"
"using more manners"
"Quit smoking"
"Stop drinking as much"
"Take better care of my body"
"Be more social: make new friends"
"Try new things: be comfortable outside my surroundings"
"Make up with people I hurt, or lost contact with"
"See my parents more"
"Stop biting my nails"
"Take a road trip to a different state"
"Go on a cruise with friends"
"Paint and draw more'
"Pick up a new hobby every month"
"Stay active no matter what"
"Smile, laugh and love more"
"Learn to forgive people and not hold grudges"
"Be more ambitious"
"take up yoga"
"Learn how to change my oil in my car"
"Study the Tao Te Ching"
"Focus on massage skills and modalities: sports massage, clinical massage"
"Adopt a road"
"Be more diverse"
"Get involved in my community"
"Take a dance class"\
"Pay off debts"
"Keep on top of bills"
"Teach someone something new"
"Attend more social events"
"Join a club"
"Learn to follow through on goals I make for myself"

Ok so for now those are things I would like to achieve and work on. Im sure Ill come up with more in the future, but for now its time to focus on these. Ill be updating my progress with these goals and scratching out the ones I've achieved. I'm hoping my time in Bradenton can show me how to be a better person to myself and to others. Wish me luck :)

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